Tuesday, October 29, 1996

Thursday, October 10, 1996

New and revised files

Posted a new, expanded version of our examination of the uses to which the "testimony" of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss is put by those who should know better. Also, posted the first draft of a new article attempting to define the term, "the Holocaust."

Monday, October 07, 1996

Robert Faurisson's enemies

Got some exciting news via e-mail about Robert Faurisson's situation in France. His enemies are forced to turn the scientific method on its head in their efforts to support Holocaust extermination claims.

Saturday, October 05, 1996

New links

We've added links to both Michael A. Hoffman II's new Web site, and to the exciting new Web site by Canadian researcher John Ball, who has done so much work on air photo evidence related to Holocaust claims.

Sunday, September 15, 1996

Saturday, September 14, 1996

Zionism versus Bolshevism: A struggle for the soul of the Jewish people

We've added both scanned and text versions of Winston Churchill's February 8, 1920 article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald entitled, "Zionism versus Bolshevism: A struggle for the soul of the Jewish people." Also fixed some broken external links, and simplified the main page for faster loading.

Friday, August 23, 1996

Hitler's 'big lie' technique

Finally got so fed up with seeing people refer to "Hitler's Big Lie technique" that we did something about it. Although we have never attempted to read Mein Kampf, and have no interest in doing so, at one point many years ago we did happen to read what Hitler had to say about the "Big Lie." We dug up the passage (actually, we asked three other people for help finding it, and two of them provided it), and we present it here for all to see.

Tuesday, August 06, 1996

Friday, June 28, 1996

Nazi poison gas technology

Republished another gem from FAEM, this one on Nazi poison gas technology. FAEM changes its content sporadically, so rather than risk losing it at some point down the road, we obtained permission to duplicate it here.

Saturday, June 15, 1996

Tale of two gassings

Added a file received from a fellow revisionist, who has found some interesting discrepancies in two different accounts of what is supposed to be the same event -- a homicidal gassing. Critics of this piece now contend that these are not two different accounts of the same events, but rather, are different versions of the same account. To us, this just makes things worse. If there were two different accounts, then at least some of the discrepancies can be explained. But to have such divergence from one document implies a tremendous absense of scholarship among traditional Holocaust historians.

Shoah: Abraham Bomba, the barber

Added Bradley Smith's article, "Shoah: Abraham Bomba, the barber," which deals with one remarkable aspect of Claude Lanzmann's movie, Shoah.

Monday, May 27, 1996

Zionism and the Third Reich

As requested by a student of Jewish collaboration with the Nazis, we are happy to present Mark Weber's "Zionism and the Third Reich."

Friday, May 17, 1996

Arthur R. Butz' new website

Added some notes to "A short introduction to Holocaust revisionism," by Arthur R. Butz, as seen on Butz' brand new Web site. Butz promises to add to his site with new material from a different perspective on Holocaust revisionism, and will be well worth watching. [Since removed -- see Butz' site.]

Auschwitz Death Books

Added some additional material to "A short introduction to Holocaust revisionism." [Since removed -- see Butz' site.] Also introduced my analysis of the Auschwitz Death Registers, in HTML table format for those with compatible viewers.

Saturday, May 04, 1996

How many deaths at Auschwitz?

Added Robert Faurisson's "How many deaths were there at Auschwitz?" As with nearly everything Faurisson does, this contains many insights. Also, added a link to Ahmed Rami's Radio Islam website.

Wednesday, March 13, 1996

Zundelsite mirror deleted

Deleted the Zündel mirror material to make room for more IHR material, now that the censorship scare seems to have passed. Zündel's site is becoming too big to mirror for mere mortals such as myself, anyway. We still have a partial mirror of Ernst Zündel's Web materials available on America OnLine (AOL), however. [Since removed.]

Site changes

Changed the main page out of sympathy with those who do not have huge monitors.

Adelaide Institute

Added links to the Adelaide Institute.

Wednesday, March 06, 1996

A Short Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism

Added "A Short Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism," by Arthur R. Butz. As you might expect, given the author, this is an excellent introduction for the interested layperson.

Sunday, February 11, 1996

New links

Replaced Zündel material that has been off this site since the Great Name Change a couple months ago. Added links to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Saturday, February 10, 1996

New software

Changed the main home page to reflect the new use of Adobe SiteMill in place of Adobe PageMill, and the use of NetScape Navigator 2.0 instead of Navigator 1.12N. Also replaced the old "NetScape Now" GIF image with the new "NetScape 2.0 Now" GIF image. Added a hierarchy for better navigation within the main page itself.

Friday, February 09, 1996

Site changes

Changed all absolute references to relative references. Repaired a few broken links.

Thursday, February 08, 1996

Link to a Zundel mirror

Added a pointer to a partial mirror of Ernst Zundel's Web materials in response to an attempt by the German government to block access to his Web site for German Internet users. (Since removed.)

'What's New" file

Created a listing of new and modified files (this file).