The Holocaust Historiography Project

What’s New with the HHP

Global Anti-Semitism Review Act

Saturday, October 16, 2004

President Bush signs into law the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act (S. 2292), stablishing a special department within the U.S. State Department to monitor global anti-Semitism, reporting annually to Congress. Because attempting to get at the facts of "the Holocaust" has been deemed anti-Semitic (along with any criticism of the actions of the State of Israel), expect instances of "anti-Semitism" to be on the rise.

Site changes

Friday, October 01, 2004

We have converted the site to use style sheets more heavily, discarding the tables we had been using for positioning. For some, this means the site may display oddly, but these pages all validate to Web standards, which is becoming increasingly important. If your browser doesn't display these pages properly, you should consider switching.

Also, frequent visitors will notice some minor housekeeping around the site, as some of the older, dead files are gone.


1st Annual Halloween Contest

Introducing our new Contest section. The 1st Annual David McCalden Most Macabre Halloween Holocaust Tale Challenge, in honor of David McCalden, ends Halloween, so get your entries in ASAP. History is not just fun -- it's rewarding!



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