The Holocaust Historiography Project

What’s New with the HHP

New and revised files

Tuesday, October 29, 1996

We've posted a copy of the very interesting-looking Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Holocaust Revisionism off of the alt.revisionism newsgroup.

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New and revised files

Thursday, October 10, 1996

Posted a new, expanded version of our examination of the uses to which the "testimony" of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss is put by those who should know better. Also, posted the first draft of a new article attempting to define the term, "the Holocaust."

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Robert Faurisson's enemies

Monday, October 07, 1996

Got some exciting news via e-mail about Robert Faurisson's situation in France. His enemies are forced to turn the scientific method on its head in their efforts to support Holocaust extermination claims.

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New links

Saturday, October 05, 1996

We've added links to both Michael A. Hoffman II's new Web site, and to the exciting new Web site by Canadian researcher John Ball, who has done so much work on air photo evidence related to Holocaust claims.



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