Thursday, February 15, 2007

Zundel sentenced to five years

A court in Mannheim, Germany today sentenced Holocaust revisionist Ernst Zundel to five years in prison on 14 counts of thought crimes. Zundel has already been in custody for more than two years, first in the U.S., then in Canada, and -- since March 2005 -- in Germany. As in the U.S. and Canada, the German judge sentenced Zundel on the pretext that he is a threat to national and international security. In other words, the security of every nation on the planet is based on a hoax; revelations about this hoax through freedom of speech and thought will destroy that security and presumably lead to bloodshed and destruction of the world as we know it.

If this is true, how safe can any of us be? Each of us walks a thin line: On one hand, we too might be adjudged to be a threat to international security and jailed. On the other hand, our security is guaranteed only by continued lies -- any truth might result in our destruction.

Monday, January 15, 2007

News reports about the Tehran Conference

Les Revues Revisionnistes ( has posted an Adobe PDF file containing news reports of the revisionist conference in Tehran. The file contains copies of printed accounts in five languages, including English.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Letters to the Webmaster: 'You are to be ashamed for twisting the facts'

My name is Eva Mozes Kor, the subject of your ridicule. How sad that you are a sick mined individual, as is your group to twist the facts. I was injected with 15 injection a week, I was between life and death, but I willed myself to survive. When I didn't die Miriam was taken back to the lab injected with something to stop the growth of her kidneys. After the war she always had kidney infections, by 1987 her kidneys failed, I donated my left kidney, a few years lated she developed cancer of the bladder that killed her in 1993. Her Kidney problems started because of the Auschwitz experiments.

I wonder what kind of twisted mind, and twisted agenda would create an e-mail like your's?

Since you don't believe that what happened to us happened, I wish your whole family to end up in Auschwitz like mine, and your brother and sister have the same kidney problems like mine did.

Even though I wish you my destiny, I FORGIVE YOU, because you don't know what you are talking about.

Eva Mozes Kor